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Gardiner, Michael E. ‘A Tale of Two ‘68s: The “Politics of Boredom” in France and Italy’, Cultural Politics, 15(3), 2019, 289-302 (special issue on May ’68, Morgan Adamson and Sarah Hamblin, eds.). Ask the author for access.
Gardiner, Michael E. ‘Henri Lefebvre e la sociologia della noia’, Sociologia Urbana e Rurale, special Issue on Henri Lefebvre’s Le droit à la ville, Guido Borelli (ed.), 118, 2019, 63-85. Ask the author for access.
Gardiner, Michael E. and Julian Jason Haladyn (eds.). Boredom Studies Reader: Frameworks and Perspectives. London and New York: Routledge, 2017. Ask the author for access.
Gardiner, Michael E. ‘Postscript: Not Your Father’s Boredom: Ennui in the Age of “Generation Meh”’, in Boredom Studies Reader: Frameworks and Perspectives, Michael E. Gardiner and Julian Jason Haladyn (eds.), London and New York: Routledge, 2017, 234-46. Ask the author for access.
Gardiner, Michael E. ‘Monotonous Splendour: An Introduction to Boredom Studies’, Julian Jason Haladyn and Michael E. Gardiner, in Boredom Studies Reader: Frameworks and Perspectives, Michael E. Gardiner and Julian Jason Haladyn (eds.), London and New York: Routledge, 2017, 3-17. Ask the author for access.
Gardiner, Michael E. ‘Bakhtin, Boredom and the “Democratization of Skepticism”’, The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms, 22 (1-2), 2017, 163–184. Ask the author for access.
Gardiner, Michael E. ‘Henri Lefebvre and the “Sociology of Boredom”’, Theory, Culture and Society, 29(2), 2012, 37-62. Ask the author for access.
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Ohlmeier, Silke, Moritz Czarny & Holger Pfaff (2021): „…und plötzlich sitze ich auf dem Spielteppich und langweile mich zu Tode“ – Eine Soziologie der Langeweile am Beispiel Mutterschaft. Soziale Welt 72 (2). Ask the author for access.
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Sommer, D., Ros Velasco, J. and Abarca, M. (2021). Bored: A Pandemic of Domestic Violence. Partner Abuse
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